Turk Nippon Insurance's Complementary Health Insurance PROVIDING ASSURANCES UP TO 70 YEARS OF AGE
With Complementary Health Insurance by Turk Nippon Insurance, you will enjoy priority and quality healthcare services in private hospitals which have SSI agreements in place, and in institutions designated by Turk Nippon Insurance, without paying any extra charge.
Inpatient Treatments
Under the Inpatient Treatment coverage, surgical and inpatient hospitalizations from the date of admission until discharge, intensive care costs, standard single private room, meals and room and board expenses of one companion, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, dialysis treatments regardless of hospitalization, and the costs related to the planning, control, and complications of treatment, minor interventions, coronary angiography, and procedures performed within a 24-hour period without hospitalization and discharge and specified in the category of day treatments within the scope of SUT are covered, subject to the limit and payment percentage.
In order for Inpatient Treatments to be performed at Healthcare Providers in the Network, approval must be obtained from the Provision Center at least 48 hours in advance.
In case of a life-threatening emergency, the insured can utilize the "Ambulance" service in regions where this service is available by calling "Turk Nippon Customer Services" (444 88 67) for on-site intervention and/or transportation by road to the nearest healthcare provider. The service is valid within the borders of the Republic of Turkey, and is subject to the Insurer's approval. International ambulance service is not covered.
In policies extending this service, the number of uses and applicable limits, if any, are stated in the policy on the coverage page.
Artificial Limbs
In the event that the insured loses a limb as a result of a disease or accident occurring during the policy period, expenses for artificial limb required to replace the functions of the lost limb, breast and testicular prostheses after cancer surgery, artificial hand that may be needed by a person who has lost his or her hand, artificial eye that may be required due to loss of eye, etc. are covered once within the insurance period within the scope of the "Artificial Limb" coverage, subject to the limit specified in the policy, provided that these procedures take place within the policy period. Robotic limbs are not covered.
Medical Supplies
Medical supplies including portable, personalized splints, elastic bandages, orthopedic boots, insoles, corsets, cervical collars, knee braces, wrist guards, elbow braces, arm slings, sitting wheels, rom walkers, walkers, crutches, plaster slippers, urostomy bags, colostomy bags which are used for medical purposes only, as part of the treatment of the insured as a result of an accident or illness that has occurred during the policy period, and covering materials used in burn or wound treatment, are covered subject to the "Medical Supplies" coverage limit specified in the policy. Medical supplies for treatments performed within the scope of Outpatient Treatment are covered only if the policy extends relevant coverage. Medical supplies used during inpatient treatment or surgery in the hospital, which are not covered by the SSI, are covered hereunder, provided that their necessity is documented by a doctor's report and approved by the Insurer.
Outpatient Treatment
Outpatient Treatment coverage applies provided that it is included in the policy. Expenses related to medical examination, laboratory services, X-ray, imaging and advanced diagnostic methods (MRI, CT, gastroscopy, colonoscopy, etc.), physical therapy and rehabilitation, provided that they are included in the policy, are covered subject to the limit and payment rate specified in the policy for this coverage. Diagnostic methods and examinations that are not associated with a doctor's examination are not covered.
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
This coverage is provided if Outpatient Treatment coverage is purchased. Physical therapy and rehabilitation applications (doctor's examination is covered under Outpatient Treatment coverage) are covered subject to the limit and payment percentage specified in the policy for this coverage, regardless of whether it is performed on an outpatient or inpatient basis, if provided by a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist doctor.
Dental Care Package, Dietician, Check-Up and Psychological Support are services offered by the insurer to the insured through support service providers. The Insurer reserves the right to change or terminate the services within the policy period. In policies where these services are provided, the number of times of use and the limit, if any, are stated on the coverage page. It does not affect the insured's claim premium rate.
If these services are included in the policy, the Insured can utilize them through an appointment with "Turk Nippon Customer Services", in the regions where these services are available.
This service covers the expenses for Filling (1 piece), Local flour application (Full Jaw), Scaling (upper and lower jaw), Silver crown and bridge cementation (for each fixed member), Occlusal abrasions (upper and lower jaw), Occlusion correction (both jaws), Bite - wing radiography, Dental X-ray (periapical - single tooth), Dentist examination, Consultation, Control examination, Local anesthesia (injection - infiltrative), Local anesthesia (regional), Oral hygiene training, Diagnosis and treatment planning, Specialist dentist consultation, Specialist dentist examination, Vitality check, Filling removal (single tooth).
The first session of dietitian services are covered. Discounts are provided for subsequent sessions.
The first session of psychological support services are covered. Discounts are provided for subsequent sessions.
This service includes medical examination, Complete Blood Count (18 parameters), Chest X-ray (one-way), Complete Urinalysis, Sedimentation, Fasting Blood Sugar, Total Cholesterol, and ECG.
If this coverage is included in the policy, the Insured can utilize it through an appointment with "Turk Nippon Customer Services", in the regions where these services are available.
If these coverage elements are included in the policy in addition to those mentioned above, the premiums for these coverage elements shall also be included in the policy premium.
This coverage takes effect provided that the symptoms arise and the treatment is provided after the expiry of 90 days from the policy start date. This coverage is valid for persons under 56 years of age as of the policy start date. Through the whole insurance period, this coverage is provided for 1 time for any 1 disease. Only one claim can be made in respect of a particular Critical Illness. If the insured person suffers from more than one Critical Illness, he/she may only file a claim for just one of the following conditions.
To be eligible for this coverage, all information/documents/reports related to the illness must be submitted to the Insurer within 30 days. After this period, the coverage shall lapse.
Direct payment shall be made to the account the IBAN of which is specified by the Insured, subject to the limit specified in the policy.
1. Heart Attack
Death of the heart muscle wall (transmural) due to sudden cessation of adequate blood supply to the area.
The diagnosis will be based on all of the following criteria:
• Typical chest pain history
• Recent changes in ECG
• Elevated cardiac enzymes, troponins or other biochemical markers
In the event that all of the above points to a definite acute myocardial infarction. Other acute coronary syndromes, including but not limited to angina, are not covered by this definition.
2. Coronary artery surgery
Open heart surgery upon the recommendation of a Consultant Cardiologist to rectify narrowing or blockage of one or more coronary arteries with bypass grafts in people with debilitating symptoms of angina, but excluding non-surgical procedures such as balloon angioplasty, laser therapy, etc.
3. Stroke
Any cerebrovascular event, infarction of brain tissue, intracranial and/or subarachnoid hemorrhage, and embolization from an extracranial source that produces neurological sequelae that persist for more than twenty-four consecutive hours and provides evidence of a permanent neurological condition covered hereunder. Transient Ischemic Crises are specifically excluded.
4. Cancer
A condition in which malignant cells grow and spread uncontrollably, invading tissue. Undisputed evidence of such tissue invasion or definitive histology of a malignant growth must be presented. The term cancer includes leukemias and Hodgkin's disease, but excludes
• All tumors that are histologically defined as premalignant, noninvasive or cancer in situ.
• All prostate tumors unless they have a histologic Gleason score greater than 6 or have progressed to at least to T2NOMO in TNM classification.
• Any form of lymphoma in which the human immunodeficiency virus is present.
• Kaposi's sarcoma in which human immunodeficiency virus is present.
• Any skin cancer other than invasive malignant melanoma.
5. Renal Failure
End-stage renal failure, which is a chronic and irreversible loss of function of both kidneys, requiring regular kidney dialysis or kidney transplantation.
6. Vital Organ Transplantation
Undergoing heart, heart and lung, liver, pancreas or bone marrow transplant surgery as a recipient.
7. Paraplegia
Complete and irreversible loss of use of both legs or both arms (as diagnosed by a licensed and qualified medical practitioner). The disability must be permanent and supported by appropriate neurological evidence.
8. Blindness
Complete, permanent and irreversible loss of all vision in both eyes (as diagnosed by a licensed and qualified medical practitioner).
9. Multiple Sclerosis
A central nervous system disorder characterized by diffuse demyelination of myelin sheaths in the brain and spinal cord, resulting in multiple neurological symptoms and manifestations with regressions and exacerbations, diagnosed by a Consultant Multiple Sclerosis Neurologist to meet all of the following criteria:
• The motor and sensor function must have been impaired for at least six months without interruption.
The diagnosis must be confirmed by diagnostic techniques available at the time of the claim.
Babies who have completed 15 days from the date of birth and persons under 71 years of age can be insured for a specific premium surcharge. Policies of people insured with this product before the 71st year of age can be renewed after the 70th year of age.
Children older than 15 days but younger than (and including) 5 years of age can be included in the policy provided that at least one parent is also insured. Insurance requests for 6-17 years old children without a parent accompanied are considered with a certain premium surcharge, provided that the policyholder is over 18 years of age.
Waiting Periods
All procedures within the scope of inpatient treatment and all endoscopic procedures on either inpatient or outpatient basis, expenses related to physical therapy and rehabilitation are covered after 3 months from the policy start date (except for the red area in triage practice / emergencies). Any exemptions and exclusions applied in the insured's policy, regarding pre-existing diseases/disorders are excluded in any case.
Medical expenses related to global, regional or domestic covid 19 epidemics as declared by the World Health Organization and/or the Ministry of Health are covered under the policy, subject to limits and payment rates specified (except for Covid 19 tests based on PCR method etc. and Vaccination expenses), provided that the symptoms and complaints related to the disease arise 14 days after the commencement of insurance coverage. The same conditions also apply for the insured who transfer into the insurance scheme.
The Critical Illnesses coverage takes effect provided that the symptoms arise and the treatment is provided after the expiry of 90 days from the policy start date.
Insurance Network
You can find the in-network healthcare providers by following the In-network providers - In-network healthcare providers - "Complementary Health Insurance" steps on our home page.
"Take Good Care of My Health" Complementary Health Insurance Information Document
General Terms
What is Complementary Health Insurance?
It is a Private Health Insurance product that covers the excess fees to be paid by the insured for healthcare services in case of illness and/or accident, in accordance with the special and general terms and conditions of the policy.
Who is eligible for Complementary Health Insurance?
The insurance policy applies only to persons who are already provided coverage by the Social Security Institution (SSI). Otherwise they will not be covered by the policy. Insured persons who lose their SSI eligibility can maintain their Türk Nippon Sigorta A.Ş. Complementary Health policy but cannot utilize the policy coverage. In the event that SSI eligibility is resumed, the policy coverage will also be reinstated.
Can I use Complementary Health Insurance outside my province of residence as well?
The insurance provides coverage, during the policy period, for the expenses (additional fees) above the SUT price for the healthcare services received within the scope of the SSI in the branches in the network of SSI in the institutions and/or organizations contracted for this product, subject to the network, coverage, limit, payment percentage and, if any, exceptions/exclusions specified in the policy, General Terms, Regulations and Special Terms.
Until how old can I get Turk Nippon Insurance's Complementary Health Insurance?
People under 71 years of age can be insured with a certain premium surcharge. If you get this product before you are 71 years old, the policy can be renewed after the 70th year of age as well.
Is there a co-payment in the Complementary Health Insurance policy?
You can benefit from the health services you need in hospitals included in SSI network without paying any difference.
Where can I get detailed information about my Complementary Health Insurance?
You can get detailed information about your policy from our customer services by calling 444 88 67, or from the authorized agency that issued your policy.
What are the services offered under Complementary Health Insurance?