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Travel is more enjoyable when you are safe


Traffic insurance provides assurance against the risks vehicle owners and drivers may face on a daily basis. Turk Nippon offers a variety of traffic insurance choices designed to keep you and your vehicle safe. We are here to offer a solution to suit your needs, be it a basic liability policy or a more comprehensive coverage.

Comprehensive motor insurance is a product specially designed to protect the value of your vehicle and the comfort it provides you. This service protects your vehicle against unexpected incidents.

Our Comprehensive Motor Insurance product allows you to choose the best alternative for you from among our packages offering a wide range of coverage tailored to your expectations.Between our expanded insurance, smiling insurance and blue (specific) insurance products, we definitely have a solution that suits you...

We are here to keep your car and your travels safe, and to offer you the most suitable car insurance option. We look forward to being of service to you!